White Flags, Black Flags, Where’s the Flag of Peace?

Christopher Black

I had intended to write about the Canadian government’s embarrassment over the revelation that the two “Michaels,” the two Canadians arrested in China several years ago for espionage, after Canada illegally detained Huawei chief financial officer, Meng Wanzhou in Vancouver on President Trump’s orders, were actually spies after all, despite Canada’s denials which are still maintained.

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Not to forget! 25 Years since the NATO aggression against Yugoslavia

pb. A quarter of a century ago, the 19 richest nations unjustifiably subjected the emerging country of Yugoslavia to a bombing terror for 78 days. About 3,000 civilians and 1,139 soldiers and policemen lost their lives in the war, and 10,000 people were injured. The NATO aggressors systematically destroyed civilian infrastructure and used depleted uranium projectiles – with serious consequences for the Serbian population. Under the slogan “Not to forget!” organized the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equality on September 22 and 23. March a conference on the anniversary of the NATO attack. Guests from all over the world were welcomed by the President of the forum, Živadin Jovanović. Within the framework of the congress theme “From aggression to the New Just World Order”, they presented their statements and expressions of solidarity, usually also with reference to their country of origin. The work of the two days of the congress was summarized in a resolution. Following the congress, wreath-laying ceremonies were held for the victims of NATO aggression at several locations in the Serbian metropolis.

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Wars in Europe

VLADIMIR KRŠLJANIN – member of the WUF Board, speech on 23 March 2024 at the Belgrade Forum

(will be published here soon)

The World Union supports South Africa’s lawsuit against the State of Israel

The World Union of Freethinkers has signed the letter from organisations calling on nations to support South Africa’s lawsuit against the State of Israel at the International Court of Justice. The letter was initiated by a newly formed coalition to end the genocide in Palestine. It is imperative that more states follow South Africa’s historic lead and demand that Israel be held accountable under international law. The Coalition is determined to end genocide in Palestine, regardless of how the World Court rules on the South African case, and will continue to take action to make this a reality. The letter has now been signed by more than 1500 international organisations worldwide.

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International Peace Conference: “We are not extremists, it’s about the survival of humanity”

The International Peace Conference, which took place in Rome from 27 to 28 October 2023, was attended by peace organizations from all over the world. The conclusion: humanity is acutely threatened by a Third World War. For this reason, a new, peaceful and just concept of living together is needed. Under the motto “Stop the 3th World War”, the participants of the International Peace Conference in Rome founded an international alliance of anti-imperialist peace organizations on the last weekend of October and set a sign for commitment to peace over ideological differences.

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The Capitalists of the 21st Century

Imbalanced Global Expansion of 21st Century Capitalism and Outward Friendly Cooperation of China:
Book Review of Werner Rügemer’s “The New Capitalism in the 21st Century”

Under this title, a review of the Chinese edition of the book “The Capitalists of the 21st Century” appeared in the ‘Marxistische Blätter’ 5/6-2023. The author is Dr Werner Rügemer, member of the advisory board and executive committee of the German Freethinkers’ Association. It is a commonly understandable outline of the rise of the new financial players. We document this review in English and then in the Chinese original. Compiled by Klaus Hartmann, President of the World Union of Freethinkers.

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